Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Ally Mae and Animal Communication - A Winning Combination!

This is my little sleeping puppy, Ally Mae.  She came to us in December as a foster puppy and after an hour, Rick decided she had to stay with us forever.  She is a delight in every way but there was a major problem that I had to over come.  She hated the kennel!  She was 6 months when she came to us so we are not sure as to why she did not like going in the kennel.  She would run and hide under the table and we would have to chase her any time we wanted to go some place.  It was very frustrating.

About 3 weeks ago, I decided I had had enough.  I am sure many people out there kind of forget our own powers with our dogs and children.  We kind of hope and pray they change but we don't do anything about it.  So I started a nice conversation with Ally Mae.  And it worked!

About 10 years ago, I had an interesting episode with a cat I took care of and since then I have taken classes and continued to excel in my animal communication skills.  I even list it on my website as a service I perform and I do get contacted to help people quite often.  It is really rewarding.

Back to Ally Mae.  I was in the living room and she was outside.  I just started calling her name in my mind.  I told her how much I loved her and how happy we were that she was our little puppy.  Then I told her that I was sad she did not like her kennel.  I told her it was so nice with the sheep skin and it is so nice to sleep in that kennel.  I said it was safe and nice and the perfect spot for her.  I told her that as she gets older, one day she won't need a kennel but I worry about her now when I leave and need to make sure she goes in a kennel.  I promised her I would not keep her there for long and I also promised to always give her a treat when she goes in.  I then ended it with another I love you.  I sat in that space of peace for a few moments.

I proceeded to get dressed and ready to go.  I had no idea what was going to happen but I was prepared for a chase again since it had happened so often.  I could not believe what miss Ally Mae did, she went right into our bedroom and into her kennel!  It was amazing.  I told her out loud what a sweet puppy she is and what a good girl.  Then I left.  Would you believe this has been going on for 3 weeks now.  As I prepare her treat, I always think of her and thank her for being so good and it works.  I don't even have to say go to your kennel, she just does.

I am pretty amazed by this, and so is my husband, Rick.  Now he is starting to believe in this "woo woo crap" as he calls it!  I just had to share this story with you!

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